Dollar General Corporation - Have a complaint about the store In Swissvale , PA
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New ReviewerEvery time you go in there yes they have great prices but when they get deliveries of supplies, they put it in the middle of most isles as hard to maneuver it around it, so you almost trip over those boxes to get somewhere and you have to move their crates in order to get what you need on top of that I went in there a couple days ago and they had wrapped up and it was talking about sexuality & swearing theres kids that go in there as well and the floors are dirty all the time. I addressed it nicely to the cashier and she said youre gonna have to talk to my manager.
Im sorry I cant help it and the man is not here todays what she said, and then she started bombing me underneath her breath But loud enough for me to hear it. Before your company came into Swiss Ville PA we had Family Dollar, and it was never messy like that and they never was rude and played rap music like that ever too bad they went under.
Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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You need to deal with it or find somewhere else to shop. They are lucky to have employees to keep the place open.