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Dollar General Corporation - Availability of products changing

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The DG I use was keeping single bottles of Lipton Peach Tea in the cooler for purchase . They stopped, but they tell me it is the vendor's deal to do that or not.

Why? Don't you have control over what is displayed and sold in your stores? They still sell mega-packs of this tea, but it's heavy to carry and it is not COOLED. Then they started putting single bottles on the shelf, but again NOT COOLEd.

Why can they put the Lipton Citrus Tea in the cooler but not the Peach Tea? Doesn't make sense.

As well, DG prices are climbing higher than WalMart's prices, something that really surprised me. The reason I started shopping at DG was for the lower prices plus availability of products. Can you help me understand this please?

The store managers have no explanation and say that they can't make any changes. That's not a good idea, as they are the ones in touch with customers.

Location: Killeen, Texas

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